About Your JSJ Practitioner


Mindy Weinheimer has been involved in the healing arts for over 30 years. She is deeply involved in, and practices several forms of meditation and healing arts including Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ).

Mindy trained as a nurse and worked in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and with special needs children. She found something lacking in the totality of modern medicine. It was apparent to her the human body had a hard time assimilating many treatments and medications.

In her search for the missing piece, she found treating the body with Jin Shin Jyutsu filled these gaps. Mindy finds her clients experience a more harmonious relationship with any medical treatments or in taking needed medications supporting their Body-Mind-Spirit well-BE-ing.

Mindy’s Philosophy is EVERYONE deserves to FEEL and BE well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.